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Valores – What is a Valore and What are the Valores?

Valores – What is a Valore and What are the Valores?

What are Valores?

Valores is a Mexican word that is also known as Values in English. Values ​​are the norms or principles that guide how individuals and societies act, be, and think. The most prominent values ​​are responsibility, Justice, Loyalty, and peace.

Values ​​are positive qualities because they are the virtues that a person or a group has. Furthermore, although their meaning is abstract and ideal, they can be expressed through different actions. For example, if a student lends a pencil to another, the value of Solidarity is manifested.

Values ​​ guide the behavior of individuals and groups within a society, promote the internal improvement of each person, and promote coexistence and social harmony.

Values ​​can be historical or universal. Historical ones relate to a specific time and place, and universal ones are expected to be respected by all human beings.

Therefore, different societies have different values, such as equality before the law, but others that are shared, such as tolerance and respect.

Examples of Valores:

Examples of Valores:

Some of the most representative values ​​are:

I Respect

Respect is the ability to accept the way of being and thinking of others. People have different opinions, beliefs, feelings, and preferences in a society, a school, or a group.

For example, one person may believe a movie is excellent, but another may not have liked it. For this reason, there are usually different opinions regarding the same film, and respecting others means accepting these differences.


Honesty is the ability to speak truly, to tell the truth & admit mistakes. Furthermore, honesty is treating people as equals & understanding that everyone should have the same opportunities.

For example, in a school if a student has forgotten to do his homework, he will be honest if he acknowledges that it was an oversight. Instead, he will be dishonest if he makes up an excuse.


Empathy is hitting yourself in someone else’s shoes to understand their emotions and feelings. For example, when someone sees someone sad, he acts empathetically if he knows the other person is going through the wrong time.

For example, in a group game, it is fair for all participants to follow the rules without misleading others or cheating.


Tolerance is the ability to accept other people’s opinions and ways of acting. Furthermore, tolerance is shown in various actions, such as not making fun of others for their way of thinking.

For example, people are tolerant when they understand that another person has different religious beliefs.


It is the ability to say what you believe and think. Sometimes, telling the truth can be difficult, but it is better because a sincere person is trustworthy.

For example, in a school if a teacher asked a student if he knew what two plus two was. Since the student didn’t know, he answered no instead of saying yes and choosing a random result.


Compassion is understanding that a person is going through a difficult situation. Furthermore, this value can be seen in different actions, such as helping someone going through a wrong time.

For example, in a company if a compassionate person notices a colleague is sad, he asks what is wrong and offers her help or support.


Goodness is the ability to behave while having a positive attitude toward others. It is a value manifested in different actions, such as sharing, being kind, listening, and collaborating.

For example, in a school if a student is kind if he offers his extra pencil to a classmate who has forgotten his.


Responsibility is the ability to fulfill duties and promises. To function it correctly, specific responsibilities must be met in different places, such as school, home, & work.

For example, they act responsibly when schoolwork is completed by the requested date.


Justice is the ability to treat everyone the same. It is shown by the actions of a society, a school, a club, or a family, among others.

For example, a girl acted reasonably at one school because she brought candy and gave everyone the same amount.


Patience is understanding that sometimes, something can take a long time. This value allows people to realize that you cannot get everything when you want.

For example, in a parks, you have to be patient and wait in line to enjoy the different attractions.


Prudence is the ability to think about the consequences of actions. This value is manifested when a person takes time to reflect before doing something essential.

For example, if a woman is offered an excellent job in another city or state, but she must be careful in choosing whether to accept or stay in the town where her friends and family are.


Altruism is giving up one’s interests so that another person is well. This value is manifested when someone performs good actions for others without expecting anything in return.

For example, Pedro gives half of his major to his best friend every day at school.


Integrity is the skill to act correctly & honestly. This value can be seen in different actions, such as telling the truth, sharing, admitting a mistake, and keeping what was promised.

For example, Juan admitted to the teacher that his group could not make the model because he had forgotten the colored papers at home.


Solidarity is the ability to share and help other people. This value is fundamental for a society to function correctly because people collaborate, so everyone is better off.

For example, María offers to help a classmate who has not understood a topic well in studying mathematics.


Gratitude is the skill to thank others for their good actions. There are different situations in which a person can demonstrate this value.

For example, when receiving a gift or help or when someone is considerate.


Perseverance is the ability to continue a task despite feeling tired or failing in other attempts. This value encourages people to continue trying to achieve challenging goals and objectives.

For example, people who complete university degrees persevere because they study for several years to obtain a degree.


Loyalty is the ability to support loved ones in different situations. It is a value people have towards their family, friends, & colleagues, displayed by representing trust in them.

For example, if a friend has made a mistake, you can be loyal by listening to them & advising them on how they can improve.


Effort is the ability to overcome difficulties to achieve a goal or objective. This value is fundamental in different areas of daily life, such as sports, study, and work.

For example, even though Vanina is a little tired, she continues studying because she must take a complicated exam.


Humility is the ability not constantly to show that you are good at something. In addition, this value is also the ability to recognize errors and attitudes that must be improved.

For example, Víctor is often told that he is a great guitarist, and he responds with humility since he responds by saying thank you.


Wisdom is the ability to have knowledge related to different disciplines, such as history or science. Furthermore, this value guides people’s lives since it allows them to reflect on difficult decisions or how to act at different times.

For example, Enrique acted wisely because he thought about what career to study.

Types of Valores Securities:

The different values ​​are classified according to specific criteria:

Universal Values

They are those that guide the behavior of most people because they are present in all societies.

For example, Sincerity.

Personal Values

They are those that guide the actions of a person in their life. Many times, they come from the direct experience that each individual has.

For example, Loyalty.

Social Values

They are the general virtues of a society that guide the behavior of its members. It must be considered that various values ​​coexist in a society and a historical moment.

For example, Solidarity.

Moral Values

They are the behaviors that a society accepts and considers essential to maintain social order.

For example, Justice.

Ethical Values

They are usually acquired in certain environments to determine behavior in specific situations.

For example, Commitment at work.

Family values

They develop within a particular family and are usually transmitted from generation to generation.

For example, Perseverance.

Spiritual Values

They are based on immaterial aspects and allude to people’s importance to concepts such as artistic or religious expression.

For example, Faith.

Professional Values

They are the ones who get ahead at work.

For example, Punctuality.

Religious Values

They are those that are based on a religious belief or doctrine.

For example, Forgiveness.

Business Values

A business values are a set of principles that represent an organization & guide the actions of all its members. Furthermore, along with the mission & vision, they form an indispensable part of the corporate identity.

For example, Transparency.

Valores and Anti- Valores.

Unlike values, anti-values ​​are negative attitudes against some principles because they promote inappropriate or dangerous actions.

While values ​​positively guide the actions of an individual, anti-values ​​are opposite to what is good for a person or a society.

Some examples of anti-values ​​are irresponsibility, intolerance, impatience, injustice, infidelity, dishonesty, inconsistency, and selfishness.


In brief, we explain valores, what they are for, their types, and a list of examples. Also, what are anti-valores?

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