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Networking – Brief Explanation

Networking – Brief Explanation

What is Networking?

In the professional and business world, networking is the practice of making contacts, that is, meeting other professionals and people in business with a view to future and possible investment and work opportunities. Different terms for this activity, such as relationship marketing, business, or work networks, are also expected.

What is Networking_

The idea of ​​networking consists of expanding work networks (hence its name in English: net, “network,” and work, “work”) to add acquaintances and potential strategic allies. For this, entrepreneurs or professionals usually meet in networking meetings to allow and facilitate social relationships between interested parties and enhance the exchange of contact information, advice, and mentoring.

Nowadays, it is possible to network digitally, thanks to applications and social networks dedicated to the professional field, such as LinkedIn and Twitter. It may help you with recruitment.

What is Networking For?

Most professionals and entrepreneurs agree on the importance of networking as a source of potential allies, employees or employers, and potential partners. Having a vast network translates into more excellent strategic opportunities, a more significant presence in the professional circuit, and a more direct communication channel between professionals.

Regarding Specific Purposes, Networking Can Be Used To:

  • Get partners, investors, or employees for your own business.
  • Meet other professionals in the area, receive advice, and stay current in the field of interest.
  • Meet potential employers or mentorship from professionals with more experience.
  • Establish links with potential competitors that lead to strategic alliances.

Types of networking

There are three types of networking:

Personal Networking

People do it for themselves outside of their current job based on their social and interpersonal relationships. It will be easier for an individual with a vast personal network to change jobs, become self-employed, or get advice.

Strategic Networking

It is what is carried out by professionals from a company or organization, either with equivalents in other companies (horizontal networking) or with professionals in a position of authority (vertical networking) committed to future professional development opportunities.

Operational Networking

It is what a company’s employees do to exchange knowledge and experience, increase their value for the company, and face its challenges from new and more efficient perspectives.

How to Network?

There are many different ways to do networking work. Among the main ones are:

Enhance Your Brand.

To develop a more visible presence in the professional circuit and project your work beyond the office, you can print business cards, open and update profiles on work social networks, or be present at events linked to the work area.

Develop Social Talents.

To expand contacts, meeting new people is essential; for that, you must socialize, attend after-office meetings, and participate in forums and presentations. Knowing how to listen, communicate, and have a good dose of leadership are essential.

Always Go Prepared.

Opportunities must always be taken advantage of, and for this, a certain amount of self-work is essential: reflect on short and medium-term goals, prepare an “elevator pitch” (a brief personal presentation) in advance, and always be clear about what you are looking for in an event. Clear ideas allow consistent actions.

Continuously Update Contact Networks.

Whether it is a digital portal or an analogy agenda, it is essential to be up to date on contacts. This means updating phone numbers, knowing where our contacts are, and being aware of their achievements, movements, and initiatives.

Be Generous When Appropriate.

Humans tend to be reciprocal in affection and social relationships. Which is why we generally respond with gratitude to the generosity of others. Having a grateful contact can be the difference in discovering an opportunity in time. That is why generosity with the information that is handled is essential.

Subscribe To Networking Clubs.

There are numerous organizations dedicated to networking between professionals and entrepreneurs. Quick research can update us on which are the best known in our area and which are most convenient for our professional profile.


In Conclusion, we explain what networking is in business, what it is for, and what types exist. In addition, we tell you how to network.

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